SICTC Student Transportation

The following is guidance issued for the arrival and departure of students for the 2024-25 school year. While this plan could change depending on a number of factors, this is the initial plan to ensure the safety of our students and an efficient flow of traffic.

The SICTC Parking Plan, here, shows the entire campus with the building outline, including the labeled parking lots and entry points. It also shows Career Avenue, Venture Drive, TJ Maxx Drive, and Lynch Road. Please take special note of the intersection of Career Avenue & Lynch Road and the traffic light at TJ Maxx Drive & Lynch Road.

Bus Riders

Self-Driving to SICTC Most school districts are providing transportation for students. It is anticipated that the buses will arrive at SICTC from around 7:20 to 7:25 for the morning session or at 11:25 to 11:35 for the PM session. Bus riders will be dropped off by the flag poles at the front doors of the building in Parking Lot A. Students will exit the bus and use the sidewalk to enter through the front doors of the school by the flagpoles. They will use interior hallways to get to their classrooms.

Departure will be explained to students when they arrive on their first day.

Car Riders/Guardian Drop Off & Pick Up
SICTC students are to be dropped off no earlier than 7:20 and no later than 7:25 for the morning session. We are asking that SICTC students be dropped off no earlier than 11:25 and no later than 11:35 for the afternoon session. Car riders will be dropped off by the flag poles at the main entrance of the building in parking lot A.

Car riders will follow the same entry route as the bus riders listed above.

Guardians will also pick up their students in the same location they drop off. We ask that guardians start picking up their students no earlier than 10:05 and no later than 10:20 in the morning session. For the afternoon session, we ask that the window of time be from 2:15 to 2:30.

Transportation Passes
Students who are driving and students who are riding with other students need to obtain a driving pass
by filling out a Transportation Release form.

Students who are driving themselves and not having others ride with them will use the Student Drive
Only Transportation Release form,
here. This form will need to be

1. filled out by the parent and student
2. s
igned by the parent
signed by the partner school administration
brought to the SICTC office for administration approval

When the student driver brings this form and $5 to the office, they will then get a drive pass. This drive
pass is to stay on the vehicle while parked at SICTC.

Students who are driving themselves or carpooling with others will use the Student Carpool Transportation Release form, here. This form will need to be

1. filled out by the parent and student that is transporting the riders
2. signed by the parent
3. filled out and signed by the parents of the riders
4. signed by the partner school administration
5. brought to the SICTC office for administration approval

When the student driver (transport) brings this form and $5 to the office, they will get a drive pass. Each rider will also need to purchase a drive pass. This drive pass is to stay on the vehicle while parked at SICTC. Riders must keep their pass on them and show it to instructors as they leave the parking lot.

Students can retain the privilege to drive as long they drive safely and follow the directions of the staff on parking lot duty. We ask that guardians talk to students about the importance of driving safely to and from SICTC. The roads and parking lots at SICTC will be congested. It is expected that students drive with extreme caution and patience. If drivers follow procedures, we can get them on their way to school or home efficiently and safely. If students do not follow the directions of the SICTC staff, parking passes will be pulled, and those students will have to use other means of transportation.

The attached parking map shows where the students should park based on where they will be going at the time of their release from SICTC. Please refer to the SICTC Parking Plan map. This is a new procedure for this year. Parking will be organized as follows:

  • Students traveling WEST (Mt. Vernon, Reitz, Gibson Southern, etc.) upon departure will park in Parking Lot E.
    • Arrival - Students will enter the parking lot using Entry Point 3 to park in Parking Lot E.
    • Departure – Students will exit the parking lot using Exit Point 3, turn left Venture Drive, left on TJ Maxx Drive, and proceed to L1, then left on Lynch Road at L1.
    • Parking Lot C will act as an overflow lot.  If Parking Lot E is full, students should park here.  Upon dismissal, students will pull through Parking Lot D, wait for Parking Lot E to empty, and then be released.
  • Students traveling EAST (Boonville, East Gibson, Harrison, etc.) upon departure will park in Parking Lot B.
    • Arrival - Students will enter the parking lot using Entry Point 2 to park in Parking Lot B.
    • Departure – Students will exit the parking lot using Exit Point 2, turn right on Venture Drive, then right on Career Avenue, and proceed to L2, then turn right on Lynch Road at L2.

Drivers are expected to be in class and ready to learn by 7:30 (morning session) or at 11:40 (afternoon session). Any student arriving late must stop in the office to get a late pass to class.

SICTC staff on duty will release drivers from the parking lots as soon as 10:05 or 2:15, depending on bus and other traffic. Impatient drivers will only slow this process down. If students follow these guidelines, dismissal will be more efficient and safe, as we will not have traffic crossing paths upon their exit.

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