SICTC At-A-Glance

Area Career & Technical District #46
The EVSC is designated by the State of Indiana as the principle provider of career and technical education (CTE) to students from Area Career & Technical Education District #46. In terms of enrollment, the EVSC has one of the largest CTE programs in the State of Indiana. Area CTE District #46 encompasses the southern half of Spencer County, North, South and East Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties. Students from these counties are eligible to apply for admission to any of the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center programs if a similar program is not available in their home school. CTE students can take advantage of competitive and leadership opportunities through student organizations such as BPA, DECA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA.

CTE programs have business advisory committees through which teachers and business/industry representatives work together to develop curricula, identify equipment needs, update instructors regarding workforce needs and career information. Programs/courses are added and/or modified on a regular basis as determined by labor market demand.

Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center (SICTC)
The SICTC serves approximately 800 students from Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, North, South, and East Gibson, and the southern half of Spencer counties and offers 23 courses of study in six different career clusters. All of the programs prepare students for high skill, high wage, or high demand careers including 35 of the Hoosier Hot 50 jobs.

The Career Center is identified by the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education as one of the top five secondary career centers in the United States.

The graduation rate for students who attend SICTC was over 95% for the 2015-2016 school year. Follow-up studies conducted fifteen months after CTE students graduate from high school indicate between 60 and 70% of the students continue their education and over 80% of the students who are employed enter careers related to their CTE training.

SICTC students can earn college credit in over 65 different college courses through dual credit agreements with Ivy Tech State College, University of Southern Indiana, and Vincennes University as well as articulation agreements with many of the nation's most prestigious technical colleges. SICTC has awarded over 3,000 college credits every year for the past four years. Additionally, the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center is one of the few schools in the State of Indiana to be STEM certified through the Indiana Department of Education.

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